1) What is a type of music associated with Mexico? a) salsa b) mariachi c) rap 2) What is mole poblano a) chicken in a chocolate sauce b) a type of taco c) a type of burrito 3) Tortillas were orginally made from a) rice b) corn c) flour 4) Which holiday celebrates people who have passed on? a) Cinco de mayo b) Mexican Independence Day c) Día de los Muertos 5) Mexico is divided into states. a) True b) False 6) The song México Lindo y Querido is a) the national anthem b) a popular dance tune c) a song showing love for Mexico 7) The song is about a) Someone who loves Mexico so much he will never ever leave it b) Someone singing to his girlfriend c) Someone who loves Mexico so much he hopes to be buried there 8) Playing for Change is an organization whose goal is to a) Unite the world through music b) teach facts about Mexico c) Unite the world through food




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