(起)床 - to get up (qǐ chuáng), (刷)牙 - to brush teeth (shuā yá), (洗)澡 - to take a bath/shower (xǐ zǎo), (上)学 - go to school (shàng xüé), (上)厕所 - go to the bathroom (shàng cèsuǒ), (上)课 - go to class (shàng kè), (回)家 - to go home (huí jiā), (吃)早饭 - eat breakfast (chī zǎo fàn), (吃)午饭 - eat lunch (chī wǔ fàn), (吃)晚饭 - eat dinner (chī wǎn fàn), (做)作业 - do homework (zuò zuò yè), (考)试 - to give/take a test; test (noun) (kǎo shì), (睡)觉 - to sleep (shuì jiào), (运动) - to exercise, sports, (yùndòng),

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