Brown v. Board of Education - Supreme Court Case that made segregation in public schools illegal, Jim Crow Laws - Laws passed in the South that segregated blacks and whites, segregation - separation of people of different races, integration - bringing people of different races together, civil rights - rights guaranteed to all US citizens by the Constitution, Boycott - refusal to use a product or service, Montgomery Bus Boycott - Rosa Parks started a community boyott of buses in protest against segregation in Montgomery, Alabama, March on Washington - March to eliminate discriminaion in public places and jobs headed by Martin Luther King, Jr., migrant worker - person who moves from place to place in search of work, Equal Pay Act of 1963 - Made it illegal to discriminate against women in the workplace, Civil Rights Movement - African Americans' struggle for civil rights in the US in the 1950s and 60s, Civil disobedience - Peaceful refusal to obey certain unjust laws , Civil Rights Act of 1964 - Made it illegal to racially discrimoinate in public places or for employment (jobs), Voting Rights Act of 1965 - Did away with poll taxes and literacy tests to eliminate racial discrimination of voting, poll tax - a fee charged when registering to vote, assassination - the murder of a political figure or for political reasons, riot - violent public disorder, space race - competition between US and USSR to put a human into space, Sputnik 1 - Unmanned Russian satellite that was the first to orbit the earth, Apollo 11 - US spacecraft was the first to put humans on the moon, NASA (National Aeronautic and Space Exploration) - Former US government agency responsible for aviation and space travel, Thurgood Marshall - African American lawyer that represented Brown family in Brown v. Board of Educaiton. First African American Supreme Court Justice, Lyndon B. Johnson - Vice president that became president after JFK was assassinated, Rosa Parks - Inspired the Montgomery Bus Boycott by not giving up her seat to a white person, Martin Luther King, Jr. - Minister from Atlanta, GA who became the leader of the Civil Rights Movement, Cesar Chavez - American farm worker that fought for better working conditions for migrant workers, United Farm Workers - Cesar Chavez organization that gained rights for migrant workers, pop culture - the culture of average people,


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