1) Helps misunderstandings and makes sure everyone knows what they need to do a) Communication  b) Reliability c) Project management d) Time management 2) Teams that work together get more done, and do it better a) Criticial thinking b) Leadership c) Teamwork d) Friendly 3) Being able to do this means you get through difficult situations more easily a) Resilience (handling stress) b) Problem solving  c) Attention to detail d) Technical skills 4) This helps you get all your work done without it building up   a) Time management b) Creativity c) Communication  d) Friendly 5) Important if you're using tools or machines a) Attention to detail b) Creativity c) Technical skills d) Initiative (do things without being told) 6) Makes sure projects are completed on time and in budget a) Project management b) Initiative (do things without being told) c) Technical skills d) Communication  7) Helps you motivate your team and achieve goals. a) Problem solving  b) Leadership c) Reliability d) Teamwork 8) Can lead to new ideas and improvements at work. a) Initiative (do things without being told) b) Creativity c) Technical skills d) Attention to detail 9) You'll look active and engaged at work and might finish tasks faster a) Initiative (do things without being told) b) Criticial thinking c) Problem solving  d) Time management 10) You can handle emotions better and react to problems calmly a) Teamwork b) Leadership c) Creativity d) Resilience (handling stress) 11) Creates a happier and better environment a) Project management b) Communication  c) Friendly d) Time management 12) People value someone they can trust to get the job done a) Leadership b) Reliability c) Initiative (do things without being told) d) Communication  13) Helps make better decisions and avoid mistakes a) Criticial thinking b) Leadership c) Friendly d) Problem solving  14) Helps avoid mistakes and create work of good quality a) Creativity b) Criticial thinking c) Attention to detail d) Teamwork

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