Ally - A country that has agreed to support or defend another country in wartime., Arrow - Weapons: A short stick with a sharp end, fired from a distance, Blow up - Make something explode, Break out - Start (of fighting) , Capture - Take prisoner, Casualties - People who have been killed or injured in a war., Ceasefire - When two armies agree to stop fighting temporarily, Coup - A sudden change of government that is illegal and often violent., Defeat - Win against, beat, Execute - Kill as a punishment, Machine gun - Weapons: A gun that fires very fast, Rebellion - An attempt by some of the people in a country to change their government using violence., Refugees - People who have been forced to leave (flee) their country or home because there is a war, or for political or religious reasons., Release - Let prisoners go, Retreat - Move back, away from the army or battle, Shell - Fire missiles at, Siege - When an army tries to take a city by surrounding it and stopping the food supply., Surrender - Give up, admit defeat, Treaty - A formal agreement between two or more countries., The wounded - People who have been injured by weapons.,


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