integrated - involved in all important business decisions and considered an essential part of the business, market opportunities - new markets as well as ways to improve a company's offerings in current markets, strategy - a plan that identifies how a company expects to achieve its goals , market segment - a group of similar consumers within a larger market , market opportunity analysis - studying and prioritizing market segment to locate the segment with the best potential based on demand and competition, target market - a clearly defined segment of the market to which a business wants to appeal, decision - a choice among alternatives, want - a culturally defined way the consumer, intense competition - a market in which they compete with , limited competition - offering a product or service with little , monopolistic competition - competition somewhere between monopoly and intense competition, recognize - finding out needs, identity - finding the alternatives, evaluate - find out the choices, decide - make a decision, assess - finding out if the choice was correct,

chapter 4 learning game



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