1) high a) higer b) higher c) highher 2) hot a) hoter b) hottr c) hotter 3) long a) longer b) longger c) lonnger 4) small a) smaler b) smallar c) smaller 5) sunny a) sunnier b) sunnyer c) sunier 6) deep a) deepper b) deeper c) deper 7) fast a) faster b) more fast c) fastter 8) cloudy a) more cloudy b) coudyer c) cloudier 9) fat a) fater b) fatter c) more fat 10) beautiful a) beautifuller b) beautifuler c) more beautiful 11) happy a) happier b) happyer c) more happy 12) poor a) poorrer b) poorer c) more poor 13) short a) shortter b) shorter c) more short 14) rich a) richer b) richher c) more rich 15) friendly a) more friendly b) friendlyer c) friendlier 16) thin a) thinner b) thiner c) more thin 17) tall a) taller b) taler c) more taller 18) ugly a) uglyer b) uglier c) ugleir 19) This tree is..............that tree. a) smaller b) smaller than c) smaller then 20) The man is............than the boy. a) thinner b) longer c) fatter 21) He has got ...........hair than she has. a) shorter b) higher c) deeper




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