1) You can tell that this is realistic fiction because of all of these EXCEPT? a) nothing about it could happen in real life b) there is dialogue between the characters that develops the story c) the events in the story build on each other d) it has characters that act and speak like real people 2) What is the main problem in the story? a) Stink makes too much noise. b) Stink thinks frogs are boring. c) Stink forgets to do his homework d) Stink wants to pass an important test 3) How does Judy suggest that Stink should study for the test? a) use flash cards b) write down all the information that he knows c) make It a game d) read all the books possible 4) In the story, Sophie and Riley cracked up because of what another person said. What does cracked up mean? a) smiled b) laughed c) wondered d) questioned 5) Stink found frogs in each of these places EXCEPT a) pool b) sink c) boot d) bathtub 6) Judy decides to help Stink in the story. What does that decision tell the reader about Judy? a) Judy cares about Stink b) Judy is also interested in frogs. c) Judy thinks frog sounds are funny. d) Judy wants Stink to help her someday 7) In the story, the author uses the word pounced to show what Mouse, the cat, did to the jingle bells. What does pounced mean? a) jumped on b) reached for c) kicked away d) stepped over 8) Stink protested having to do his homework Protested must me a) he was in trouble b) he understood c) he was excited d) he didn't agree 9) How did Stink do on the test'? a) he barely failed the test b) he missed most of the questions c) he passed with flying colors d) he barely passed the test 10) What will happen now that Stink passed his frog test? a) His mom will allow him to use spray paint in the house. b) He can attend the First Annual Frog Neck Lake Frog Count. c) He will be ready for his next swim practice d) His street will be renamed Croaker Road

Stink Comprehension Quiz



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