1) What state produces the most roses for Valentines day? a) New Jersey b) Maine c) California d) Washington 2) In what century did Valentines day become associated with Love? a) 12th b) 14th c) 19th d) 17th 3) What is the main 3 gifts for Valentines day? a) Chocolates, flowers and socks b) Flowers, Jewelry, and money c) Jewelry, chocolates, and flowers 4) After a rose what is the next common flower on Valentines day? a) Tulips b) Daisy c) Pansy 5) What president hosted the first Valentines day ball at the white house? a) Obama b) Bush c) Washington d) Adams 6) What country is it tradition for ladies to give men chocolates? a) China b) Japan c) Russia d) Rome 7) What Texas city is known for its heart instillation? a) Loveland b) Cupid c) Dallas d) Houston



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