1) What was on the scroll that was in the right hand of him who sat on the throne? (v1-5) a) Invisible Ink b) Stickers c) Writing on both sides and seven seals d) Writing on one side and seven seals 2) Who is worthy to break the seals and open the scroll? (v1-5) a) Someone in heaven or on earth or under the earth b) The 24 elders c) An angel d) Lion of the tribe of Judah 3) What is true about the Lamb? (v6-10) a) He was sitting on a throne b) He was circled by angels c) He had seven horns and seven eyes d) He was white 4) What happened when the Lamb took the scroll? (v6-10) a) The angels worshipped him b) The living creatures and elders fell down c) They elders played violins d) The living creatures prayed for God's people 5) How many voices of angels did John hear? (v11-14) a) 12 b) 600 c) 10,000 x 10,000 d) None 6) What did the angels do? (v11-14) a) Encircled the throne b) Shouted at each other c) Hid their faces d) Played music 7) Who sang praise and honor and glory and power to him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb? (v11-15) a) No one b) Only the animals c) Only people d) Every creature

Revelation 5: Discover Truth


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