card - You need one of these to check out a book., peek - Mrs. Hopkins did this at the rehearsal. (synonym of look), Alice - She had always played Mary., Penitentiary - Another name for a prison., Sproul - The Herdmans lived at the bottom of this hill., Ollie - He had a pussy willow growing in his ear., lice - Alice had this at summer camp., garage - The Herdmans lived above this., cat - Had one eye missing., wisemen - Claude, Ollie and Leroy played these characters., stole - Leroy ________ a chemistry set., pageant - Another name for a play., coins - Imogene took a handful of these at church., Ralph - He played Joseph., Leroy - He hit Charlie in the second grade., ham - Leroy almost dropped this on stage., Charlie - Leroy took this person's dessert at school., Imogene - She said, "A doll can't bite you.", dessert - What the Hermans expected to find at church, thanks to Charlie., five - Number of rehearsals needed to present the play., cigar - Imogene smoked this in the ladies room at church., aquarium - The teacher broke this as she was chasing the cat., ruin - Alice said the Herdmans would have done this to the pageant., ivy - Where other people had hydrangea bushes, the Hermans had poison ______., doughnuts - The Hermans stuffed these down their shirts., toolshed - The building the Herdmans burned down.,

The Best Christmas Pageant Ever


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