1) A short description or profile about someone, usually found on social media or websites. a) clickbait b) bio c) meme 2) A software application used to access and navigate the internet (e.g., Chrome, Firefox). a) live stream b) trend c) browser 3) An online content headline designed to attract clicks by using shocking or misleading titles. a) clickbait b) trend c) meme 4) To cut off communication with someone suddenly and without explanation, often in online contexts. a) go viral b) ghost c) trend 5) To spread rapidly and widely on the internet, gaining significant attention or popularity. a) tag b) go viral c) live stream 6) A word or phrase preceded by the # symbol, used to categorize or make content searchable on social media. a) hashtag b) trend c) tag 7) A real-time broadcast of video content over the internet. a) trend b) go viral c) live stream 8) A humorous image, video, or piece of text that spreads quickly online, often with slight variations. a) meme b) tag c) hashtag 9) To mention or label someone in a post or image, linking it to their profile. a) hashtag b) tag c) trend 10) A popular topic, activity, or idea that gains significant attention for a certain period. a) trend b) live stream c) ghost


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