我有... - wo you - I have..., 我没有... - wo mei you - I don't have..., 他有... - ta you - he has..., 他没有... - ta mei you - he hasn't..., 她有... - ta you - she has..., 她没有... - ta mei you - she hasn't..., 我有三只狗。 - I have 3 dogs. , 我有两只猫。 - I have 2 cats. , 她有四条鱼。 - She has 4 fish. , 他有五条蛇。 - He has 5 snakes., 他有两只鸟。 - He has 2 birds. , 她没有两只兔子。 - She doesn't have 2 rabbits., 他没有三只猫。 - He doesn't have 3 cats., 我没有五只鸟。 - I don't have 5 birds., 我没有两条蛇。 - I don't have 2 snakes., 你没有七条鱼。 - You don't have 7 fish. ,

I have/don't have 3 dogs


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