1) Interview a staff member to learn about three responsibilities they have and write them down. 2) Pick two different jobs and write down all the things they have to do in their role (responsibilities) 3) Research and write down the qualifications or skills needed for one job you find interesting. 4) Ask three staff members about how they found their jobs and note any advice they give. 5) Write down 3 interview questions and ask them to your team mate; see how well they answer 6) Research professional dress codes for interviews and explain why they’re important. 7) Work in a group to role-play a conflict at work and how you would solve it (you can film this!) 8) Write a step-by-step guide for resolving conflict in the workplace. 9) Identify three ways to make a stressful situation at work less overwhelming and explain why. 10) Interview a staff member about how they deal with stress or workplace changes. 11) Write an email to a tutor, practicing formal workplace communication. 12) Create a poster about what to do, and not do, when communicating with customers at work 13) Find and photograph four things college has done to make itself more environmentally friendly 14) Create a poster about how to make college more sustainable, including steps like recycling or saving energy. 15) Create a poster about what to do, and not do, when working in a team 16) Find pictures online of 6 people you'd put into a workplace team - and explain why/what each person can do

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