Research - The first step of the design process, Rough Drafts / Sketches - The second step of the design process, Final Product - The third step of the design process, Continue to Edit as Necessary - The fourth step of the design process, Fun - The origin of theatre related to people being entertained, Imitation - Trying to demonstrate something "almost identically", Repetition - Telling something over and over again, Humor - A human being's ability to find something funny, Ritual - Origin of theatre related to belief, religion, and worship, Worship - Ritual often starts as THIS, Power, Honor, Duty - Themes of Ritual, Meaning - Ritual is a Repeated ACTION that takes on THIS, Storytelling - Origin of theatre related to communicating before written language, Mythology - A made up explanation presented as truth, Fable - Story with a moral presented as "just a story", History - True events that happened in the past.,

3 Origins Review



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