Trains - Trains are used to move many people or things from one place to another., Rail - Trains wheels ride on train rail, Locomotive - The vehicle that pulls the train., Train car - They have the people or goods inside., Train station - The place where the train arrives, Ticket - You need this to be allowed to ride the train., Passengers - the people riding the train., Speed - how fast or slow something moves., Platform - Where the people stand to wait for the train and get on the train., Tracks - These are the "roads" a train uses to move, Freight Train - Moves heavy goods from one place to another., Subway - Moves people short distances around a city., Commuter Train - Moves people and workers from town to town. , High Speed / Bullet Train - Moves people over long distances very quickly, Maglev Train - A train that floats above the tracks and can move very fast.,

Train Vocabulary Flash Cards


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