winter - the coldest season of the year, between autumn and spring, snow - the solid form of water that crystallizes in the atmosphere and, falling to the Earth, covers, permanently or temporarily, about 23 percent of the Earth’s surface., scarf - broadband of cloth worn about the shoulders, around the neck, or over the head, snowman - snow shaped to resemble a human figure, mittens  - a covering for the hand and wrist having a separate section for the thumb only, skiing  - the art or sport of sliding and jumping on skis, sledding - the use of a sled, Ice skating - to skate on ice, frozen - subject to long and severe cold, gingerbread - a cake whose ingredients include molasses and ginger, slush - partly melted or watery snow, hot chocolate - hot milk that is chocolate-flavored, reindeer - a large gregarious deer, blizzard - a long severe snowstorm, icicle - a pendant mass of ice formed by the freezing of dripping water,




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