Who is XiaoGao?, Do GaowenZhong and Wang Peng not see (each other) for a long time?, Does Wang Peng often see Gao Wengzhong?, Why didn't Gao WengZhong want to play ball games?, How did Goa WenZhong think about watching ball games?, What does Gao WenZhong want to do this weekend?, What did Wang Peng Want to do this weenkend with Gao WenZhong?, How is Gao WengZhong? (more conversational), (At last), whom does Wang Peng go to (look for)?, Does Gao WengZhong like to play ball?, Why did Gao WengZhong not want to play ball?, Do you think WangPeng and Little Gao are good friend? Why?.

M1 L4 questions about Dialogue 2 (English)



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