I used to chat - Yo chateaba, i like to share - me gusta compartia, I used to tell jokes - Yo contaba chistes, I like to draw - me gusta dibujaba, I used to have fun - Yo me divertia, i went to the movies - fui iba al cine, I used to go to a concert - Yo iba a un concierto, I used to ride a bike - Yo montana bici, I used to go on a walk - Yo paseaba, I used to skateboard - Yo Montana en monopatin, I used to fight - Yo me peleaba, I used to jump - Yo saltaba, I used to play the guitar - Yo tocaba la guitarra, I used to play videogames - Yo jugaba videojuegos, i was misbehaving - me portaba mal,

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