其咚咚锵 qī dōng dōng qiāng - Sounds of Chinese instruments, 恭喜gōng xǐ - Congratulations!, 发财 fā cái - make a good fortune, 好运 hǎo yùn - good luck, (当)头 dāng tóu - over the head, 坏运 huài yùn - bad luck, 离开 lí kāi - leave, go away, 大家 - everyone, 万wàn - 10 thousand, 事(儿)shìér - things/matters, 愉快yúkuài - happy (more written), 从今以后 cóng jīn yǐ hòu - from today on, 福 fú - Good fortune, 悲哀 bēi āi - sadness, (买)汽车mǎi qìchē - to buy cars, (造)洋房 zào yángfáng - to build (western style )houses, 风光fēng guān - prosperity, 酒jiǔ - wine, alcohol, 家家户户jiā jiā hù hù - every single family, 齐唱 qí chàng - sing together, 眼(睛)yǎn jīng - eyes, 富贵fù guì - rich and influential,

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