1) What keeps polar bears warm in the super cold climate of the North Pole? a) paws b) ears c) a layer of fat under their skin d) fur all over their bodies 2) Where do polar bears spend a lot of time? a) swimming in the ocean b) dancing c) running d) walking 3) When does the mother polar bear dig a den? a) winter b) spring c) fall d) summer 4) When does the mother polar bear have babies? a) winter b) spring c) summer d) fall 5) What do the cubs do in the winter? a) dig out of the den b) drink their mother's milk c) swim in the ocean d) dance 6) When do the mama bear and her cubs go out of the den? a) winter b) spring c) summer d) fall 7) What does the mother polar bear teach her cubs? a) how to eat b) how to swim c) how to hunt d) how to walk 8) What part of the polar bear's body helps it to swim? a) its fur b) its claws c) its paws d) its nose

5 Reasons to Love Polar Bears



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