Je me réveille - What is I wake up?, Je me lève - What is I get up?, Je me brosse les dents - What is I brush my teeth?, Je me brosse les cheveux - What is I brush my hair?, Je prends mon petit déjeuner  - What is I have breakfast?, Je m'habille  - What is I get dressed?, Je me dépêche - What is I hurry?, Je vais en voiture - What is I drive?, Je vais à pied - What is I walk?, Je vais en bus - What is I take the bus?, Je me lave - What is I wash/I wash my face?, Je vais à l'école - What is I go to school?, je rentre chez moi - What is I return home on the bus?, Je bois du thé. - What is I drink tea?, Ma routine quotidienne - What is my daily routine?,

Ma routine quotidienne



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