1) Who wrote A Christmas Carol? a) Charles Dickens b) Shakespeare c) Emily Bronte 2) What is the name of Scrooge's old colleague who comes to warn him? a) Josh Brown b) Bob Cratchitt c) Jacob Marley 3) What is Jacob Marley covered in? a) Blood and gore b) Chains and money to show his greed c) Marshmallows 4) What does Scrooge mean when he says "they had better do it, and decrease the surplus population!" a) That poor people should die  b) That we should give to charity c) That people should stop having children  5) What is the name of Scrooge's employee? a) Bob Cratchitt b) Fred c) Sandra 6) Why is Bob Cratchitt struggling? a) He hates Christmas  b) He doesn't get paid enough and has a son who is very sick   c) He doesn't get to listen to his favourite music 7) What does the Ghost of Christmas Past show Scrooge? a) Bob Cratchitt and his family b) His old fiance Belle and how he ruined it with greed c) His future death 8) How would you describe the Ghost of Christmas Present? a) Jolly and festive b) Angry and cold c) Boring 9) Why does the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come terrify Scrooge? a) He seems too nice... b) He is wearing dark clothes c) He shows him his future death and that no one will care 10) What is the main factor for Scrooge's redemption? a) The Ghost of Christmas Past showing him his happy memories b) The Ghost of Christmas Present making him feel guilty about how he treats people c) The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come about how no one will care when he dies d) All of the above!

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