Never have I ever ate food that had fallen on the floor., Never have I ever farted in the car., Never have I ever let a dog lick my face., Never have I ever pooped my pants., Never have I ever tried cutting my own hair., Never have I ever drank milk from the jug., Never have I ever used someone elses toothbrush, Never have I ever written my parent's signature on something., Never have I ever been sent to the principle's office., Never have I ever had sushi., Never have I ever gone to bed without brushing my teeth, Never have I ever peed in a pool, Never have I ever thought a friend’s baby was ugly., Never have I ever had a cavity., Never have I ever had a broken heart., Never have I ever fallen in love., Never have I ever clogged a toilet., Never have I ever left a mean YouTube comment., Never have I ever blamed a fart on a pet., Got in trouble, and let my brother or sister take the blame..

Never have I ever - Middle School


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