U.S.-Mexican War - Boundary Dispute, U.S.-Mexican War - U.S. Annexation of Texas, New knowledge of western plants and animals - Lewis and Clark Expedition, 49ers rush to California - Gold discovered, Acquisition of Texas, Oregon, and Mexican Cession - Election of James K. Polk, California quickly achieves statehood - Gold discovered, Americans envision idea of “perfect” life out west - Paintings of the Romantic artists, Chinese immigrants settle in western U.S. - Chinese civil war and overpopulation, Founding of Salt Lake City, Utah settlement - Mormons face religious persecution, Mexico loses ⅓ of its territory - Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo, Expansion of the U.S. by any means necessary - U.S. belief in Manifest Destiny, Gadsden Purchase - Rocky Mountains,

Manifest Destiny


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