Does Bai Ying’ai know how to get to the school computer center? (place...怎么走?), Is the computer center far from the sports field? (离...), Where is Teacher Chang going? (colloquial way), What place is close to Wang Peng’s dormitory?, Where is the computer center?, Where is the school bookstore?, Where is the library?, Is the library near Wang Peng’s dormitory?, Is Wang Peng’s dormitory far from the sports field or the computer center? (离), Why does Teacher Chang ask Bai Ying’ai to walk with her?, Has Bai Ying’ai finished class?, Which student is Teacher Chang talking to?, Who is Teacher Chang? (Chinese teacher), Where are Teacher Chang and Bai Ying’ai talking?, Is the library near Wang Peng’s dormitory?, Where is Bai YingAi going? .

Questions about L13 Dialogue 1 English



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