Do not talk during a theatrical production, Turn off and put away your cell phone during a play, Cell phones produce light and are distracting even when they are silent, Do not take photos of a theatrical production, Do not record audio of a theatrical production, Do not take video recordings of a theatrical production, If you need a cough drop, unwrap it quickly, Do not bring outside food into the theater, Do not bring outside drink into the theater, Do not arrive late to the theater, Do not leave the theater early, It is okay to leave a play if you wait until intermission, Theater ushers may not let you into a play late, Do not laugh at serious parts of a play, Wait until a song is finished before you applaud, Be willing to have a good time at the theater, Do not bring small children to the theater, Babies will usually cry if they have to watch a play for 2 hours, Because theatrical moments do not last long, it is an ephemeral art, The rules of audience behavior are called etiquette, The theatrical element that describes an audience is SPECTATOR,

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