rubberneck - To gawk or stare with curiosity, often at something shocking or unusual, like a car accident., Impermanence - The state of being temporary or not lasting forever; the quality of change and transience., A beacon for - Someone or something that serves as an inspiration, guide, or shining example., Spurned - Rejected with disdain or contempt; refused in a harsh or dismissive manner., Harken similar values - To reflect, recall, or embody similar beliefs, traditions, or principles from the past., Be on a spectrum - To exist within a range of possibilities, experiences, or intensities rather than as a single fixed state., Insidious - Subtly harmful or dangerous, often in a way that is gradual or not immediately obvious., Go unspoken - To remain unsaid or implied rather than being openly discussed., Cling to - To hold onto something tightly, either physically or emotionally, often out of fear or attachment., Skewed of - Distorted, misaligned, or altered from its original or true meaning, purpose, or form., Gobs of money - A large or excessive amount of money., Self-deprecating - Making fun of oneself or downplaying one’s own qualities in a humorous or modest way.,

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