incredulous - unwilling or unable to believe something, nonchalant - feeling or appearing casually calm and relaxed, aloof - not friendly or forthcoming; cool and distant, elite - a select group that is superior in terms of ability or qualities to the rest of a group or society, ornery - bad-tempered and combative, gallant - brave; heroic, vague - of uncertain, indefinite, or unclear character or meaning, bewilderment - a feeling of being perplexed and confused, implore - beg someone earnestly or desperately to do something, rueful - expressing sorrow or regret, especially when in a slightly humorous way, contempt - the feeling that a person or a thing is beneath consideration, worthless, or deserving scorn, stupor - a state of near-unconsciousness or insensibility, sullen - bad-tempered and sulky; gloomy, idolize - admire, revere, or love greatly or excessively, liable - responsible by law; legally answerable,

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