I really overindulged last Christmas, - I felt awful on Boxing Day., So this year I’ve decided to pace myself, - no booze till lunchtime!, Oooo, I’m feeling a bit tipsy - after all that champagne., I’ll put some Christmas carols on - to get in the festive spirit., Christmas is a time to get together - with your nearest and dearest., I don’t get on with my uncle - but we always manage to bury the hatchet at Christmas., Christmas just isn’t Christmas - without turkey with all the trimmings., (opening a present) Another horrible jumper from Auntie Janet, - oh well, it’s the thought that counts., I’m dreaming of - a white Christmas., Son: “Come on Granddad! It’s Christmas, don’t be such a scrooge!” - Granddad: “Bah Humbug! I hate Christmas.”, My mum always spends hours - slaving over a hot stove on Christmas day., We’re doing a secret Santa in the office - and I’ve drawn the boss! I don’t know what to get her., (opening a present) Oh wow, it’s lovely, - you shouldn’t have!, Christmas is really important in my family, - we always pull out all the stops: decorations, presents, tonnes of food, you name it!, Children always - get showered with gifts at Christmas.,



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