1) Are you always dreaming of a white Christmas? Or you prefer warm weather. 2) Do you try to pace yourself over the festive season? Or do you tend to overindulge? 3) Who slaves over a hot stove in your family? 4) Have you ever done a secret Santa? Who with? Did you like the experience? 5) Does your family pull out all the stops at Christmas? 6) Does anyone in your family give bad presents? What do you say when you receive a bad present? 7) What do you do to get into the Christmas spirit? Do you ever find it difficult? 8) Are there any scrooges in your family/friends circle? 9) What’s the traditional Christmas dish in your culture? What are all the trimmings that go with it? 10) Who gets showered with gifts in your household? 11) Do you normally get tipsy at Christmas? 12) How important is it to get together with your nearest and dearest at Christmas? Who do you normally spend Christmas with? 13) How important is giving and receiving presents in your family? Is it really just the thought that counts?



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