Imagine you could design your own winter coat. WHAT WOULD IT LOOK LIKE, FEEL LIKE, and BE MADE OF?, Describe your favorite type of soup. What ingredients are in it, what it tastes like, and what you eat with it. , Talk about a winter memory that makes you smile., Tell a real or imaginary story about a skiing adventure., Give step-by-step instructions on how to build a snowman or snow woman., Do you prefer to play indoors or outdoors in the winter time? Give 3 reasons., Imagine you were a penguin. WHAT ARE SOME THINGS YOU DO DURING THE DAY?, Describe some of the things you might see, feel, hear, taste, and smell at an ice hockey game., What is your favorite thing to do when you play outside in the winter?, Give step-by-step instructions on how to make hot chocolate. , Describe some of the best things about the winter., Compare and contrast winter in Hawaii to winter in Alaska..

Winter Conversation Prompts



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