1) You can’t find your bus pass. You have to buy a new one.- $35.00 Madison Metro 2) You hate the color of your walls. You asked the landlord if you could paint the walls. They said “yes” paint supplies cost you $45.00 3) Buy some birthday cards - $10.00 4) You lost your work shirt. You have to buy a new one for $25.00 5) You woke up late and are now late for work. You miss the bus and now have to pay for an Uber. $20 lost because you couldn’t get out of bed. 6) Stop for coffee instead of brewing your own - $4.00 7) You decide that you need more decor for your house you spend $30.00 on new items 8) You decide to throw a dinner party and invite some people over. You spend $45.00 on food and drinks 9) You decide to buy a puzzle to put together- $6.00 10) Your friend tracks in mud from the outside and it gets all over your carpet. Great. Now you have to rent a carpet cleaner. It cost $50 for the machine and $25 for the soap. 11) It is time for your 6 month Dentist appointment you have to pay $29.00 for Fluoride treatment 12) You are hungry for some chocolate so you stop at Kwik trip to buy a Hershey bar $1.09 13) You need a haircut! $16.00 for haircut, $4.00 for tip. 14) You buy a book for $12.90 15) A friend drives you to work all week. Fill up their gas tank - $20.00 16) You want to go downtown but you can't drive. So you Uber $25.00. 17) You need new batteries for your tv remote- -$6..99 18) You need to mail some birthday cards. Buy stamps - $11.00. 19) Mom sends you a care package. How nice you think until the Postal worker says she didn’t pay enough postage. You owe the post person $5.00 20) You have a naked balcony. You go buy some hanging plants. Cost you $60 21) Buy a magazine to read while you are waiting to see the dentist - $5.99 22) Stop at Papa Murphy's for some "za" for dinner- $10.00 Tuesday special 23) You're hungry so you go get some fast food. You spend $10.35 on a meal 24) You buy a gift card for a friend's birthday. $25.00 25) Your shoelaces broke! New shoelaces - $2.79 26) When you're hanging out with friends you decide to run to McDonalds for a quick snack. Spend $15.00 27) You’re going out for pizza and a movie with friends and spend $40. 28) Your work lanyard broke buy a new for $12.50 29) It's your friend's Birthday take them out for a nice dinner at the Olive Garden Spend $65.00. 30) You get a bonus add $30.00 to your account 31) You have a party and your carpet gets dirty. Spend $35 on a carpet cleaning machine. 32) Your sunglasses broke! Buy some new ones - $19.00 33) You went to the dentist and they said you need an electric toothbrush- $49.99 for an Oral B at Target. 34) You want to go downtown and you take an Uber. It costs you $25.00 both ways. 35) You run out of milk and bread so you go to the grocery store, pick up those items and few other things. You spend $25. 36) Buy outside decor to source up our doorway. $35.00 37) You're hungry and don't have any junk food you run to Kwik Trip and spend $16.75 on junk. 38) Your friends want Starbucks- Spend $12.50 39) You have the winter blues. Go get a spray tan.$30 40) You are sick of burning your hands getting food out of the oven using towels. Get some oven mitts for $19.99 41) Buy a fishing license & fishing gear. $60 42) Buy a garbage can for your kitchen and bathroom and some garbage bags. Spend $45 43) Time for a check up at the doctor. $30 co pay 44) You help your father around the house. He gives you $50.00 cuz he is losing his mind. 45) Summer is coming, you want to get in shape, you join a gym. It costs you $40.00 a month or get a discount by purchasing a membership for $300.00 for a year. 46) That gym membership is paying off when your clothes are getting too big. Buy a few new outfits for $88.00 47) Buy a day pass for the Kalahari water park. Pay $49.99 48) Out of vacuum cleaner bags. $8.50 for new ones 49) Meet some friends at a coffee shop and spend $12.78 on coffee and a snack. 50) You go to Dave and Buster’s to play video games and spend $20 on the games plus $15 for food. 51) You ran out of spices, salt and pepper. You spend $8.50 replacing them. 52) You got a crush on the new neighbor. You leave roses by his/her door. $25 53) It is a beautiful day you go for a walk. Guess what, it is absolutely free. Do nothing 54) You are going away for the weekend and need an overnight bag. Buy one. $27.99  55) You are invited to a wedding, you buy a new outfit and a gift for the happy couple. You spend $67.00 56) You are tired of washing your face masks. Go buy some disposables. Box cost $8.79 57) You lost your spare key. Run to ACE and get a copy. $3.15 58) You won a goldfish at the carnival. Go get a fish bowl and some goldfish food.  $24.56 at Animart 59) You want to get out of the house. The same four walls are driving you nuts. You go to the park and watch the squirrels. It cost you nothing. 60) You are going to the Badger hockey game but you don't have a badger shirt. Go get one- $15.89 at University Bookstore 61) You need to fax some paper to Social Security. Go tp UPS to use the fax machine. $4..56 62) Your favorite slippers are all worn out. Get some new ones. $14.89 at Kohl's 63) You forgot to bring your lunch to work. Run to McDonalds. $8.79 64) You get a huge stain on your sofa. Get a slipcover to hide it. $62.99 at Target 65) Your nails are getting too long. Go get a new nailclipper. $3.00 at Ulta 66) It is a beautiful day you decide to go on a picnic. Spend $14.35 on a sub sandwich, chips and a drink. 67) The weather is nice. Go have a pic-nic. You need to get a outdoor blanket to put down on the ground. $22.99 68) You used the last of your bread and you want to make some french toast. Run to the store $4.67 for groceries. 69) You need a folding chair for your balcony so you can sit outside. $24.99 70) You are going on a picnic but don't have a cooler. Go and buy one. $35 at Walmart 71) You are struggling with opening your canned goods. Get an electric can opener. $19.99 72) You are tired of disposable razors and decide to buy an electric razor. $39.99 73) Your garbage disposal smells. Buy some disposal cleaning balls. $6.79 at At Home 74) Stir fry is one of your favorite things to make. Buy a wok. $49.99 75) You love your neighbors dog so you buy him a new rawhide bone. $9.99 76) You don't eat right so you go buy some vitamins. $9.99 77) Birds are always hanging around your balcony. Get a bird feeder and some bird seed, $23.00

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