本子 - notebook, 才来 - just arrived, 刚才 - just now; a moment ago, 共同 - common, 后面 - behind, 画图 - to draw; to paint, 假如 - if, 毛笔 - writing brush, 毛衣 - woolen sweater; sweater; knitwear, 眉毛 - eyebrow, 拿开 - to take something away, 铅笔 - pencil, 如果 - in case; if, 图画 - picture; painting, 拿着 - to hold (something), 为什么 - why, 先生 - Mr.; sir; husband, 先走了 - to go first; left first, 一本书 - a book, 一共 - altogether, 以后 - after; afterward; later, 因为 - because; since; as, 长大了 - have grown up, 长裤 - pants; trousers,



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