CAPITALISM - free-market economy: factories, farms, mines, shops, etc. privately owned by the people...profits go to business owners, COMMUNISM - government-run economy: factories, farms, mines, shops, etc. owned by government...profits go to government to take care of people, SATELLITE NATION - countries dependent upon and controlled by the USSR, IRON CURTAIN - the nickname for the division of Europe into a free west and a communist-control east, CONTAINMENT - the US policy to stop the spread of communism, COLD WAR - a period of hostility and competition between US & USSR but no war that lasted until USSR broke up in 1991, TRUMAN DOCTRINE - a policy in which the US would support free peoples throughout world resisting takeovers by “armed minorities” or “outside pressures”, MARSHALL PLAN - the US sent $12.5 billion to Western a result, communism didn't spread there, BERLIN BLOCKADE - USSR cut off all highway, water, and rail access to West Berlin, BERLIN AIRLIFT - for 327 days the US flew supplies into West Berlin, leading to the end of the blockade, NORTH ATLANTIC TREATY ORGANIZATION (NATO) - a defensive alliance of US, Canada, and Western Europe, MAO ZEDONG - the communist leader of China, 38th PARALLEL - divided line that separated North and South Korea, CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY (CIA) - a US organization that gathers info about foreign countries and overthrows governments unfriendly to the US, WARSAW PACT - a military alliance between the USSR and Eastern European countries, HYDROGEN BOMB - a weapon 500x more powerful than an a-bomb, ARMS RACE - a "competition" between the US and USSR to develop more and better weapons, INTERCONTINENTAL BALLISTIC MISSILE (ICBM) - a rocket that could strike any target on the planet, SPUTNIK - a Russian spy satellite, MUTUALLY ASSURED DESTRUCTION (MAD) - if a nuclear war was to break out, both the US and USSR would destroy each other, DUCK & COVER - strategy to protect yourself from nuclear blast….get down and cover yourself, FALLOUT SHELTER - enclosed space designated to protect people from nuclear explosion, SECOND RED SCARE - during early 50s Americans feared communism was spreading in US, FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION (FBI) - this organization focused on finding communist spies within the US , HOUSE UN-AMERICAN ACTIVITIES COMMITTEE (HUAC) - this committee investigated communism in Hollywood, BLACKLIST - banned from employment, ETHEL AND JULIUS ROSENBERG - executed in the electric chair because they spied for the USSR, JOSEPH MCCARTHY - accused members of the government of being communists, but didn't have proof,

US2.6 Cold War (Yellow Terms)



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