1) Transform Boundary a) b) Divergent Boundary c) Convergent Boundary d) 2) Divergent Boundary a) Divergent Boundary b) Three types of Plate boundaries c) d) Plate Tectonics 3) Convergent Boundary a) Three types of Plate boundaries b) c) Convergent Boundary d) Plate Tectonics 4) A theory that describes the earth's crust being broken into large pieces a) Plate Tectonics b) Transform Boundary c) d) Plates sliding past each other can cause 5) An area where 2 or more plates collide and one plate slides under the other. a) Convergent Boundary b) c) d) Plate Tectonics 6) A place where two tectonic plates move away from each other. a) Three types of Plate boundaries b) c) Divergent Boundary d) 7) A place where plates slide past each other. a) Transform Boundary b) Divergent Boundary c) d) 8) Divergent, Convergent, Transform a) b) Three types of Plate boundaries c) d) 9) Plate Tectonics a) Plates sliding past each other can cause b) c) d) 10) Earthquakes a) Divergent Boundary b) Plates sliding past each other can cause c) d) Plate Tectonics

Plate Tectonics



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