
A1 a2 vocabulary

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AEF Starter U6B - A typical day
AEF Starter U6B - A typical day Diagramă etichetată
AEF Starter Countries and Nationalities vocabulary
AEF Starter Countries and Nationalities vocabulary Carduri flash
AEF1 U2A - Vocabulary 'THINGS'
AEF1 U2A - Vocabulary 'THINGS' Carduri flash
AEF 2B Grammar - Adjectives
AEF 2B Grammar - Adjectives Diagramă etichetată
AEF1 U1C - Classroom language
AEF1 U1C - Classroom language Potrivește
AEF1 U3A Vocabulary - Verb Phrases
AEF1 U3A Vocabulary - Verb Phrases Diagramă etichetată
Let's talk about you
Let's talk about you Roata aleatoare
Adverbs of frequency
Adverbs of frequency Chestionar
Who am I?
Who am I? Chestionar cu imagini
Countries and Nationalities
Countries and Nationalities Chestionar concurs
Kid's Box 3 U3 Vocabulary
Kid's Box 3 U3 Vocabulary Spânzurătoarea
Places in the City
Places in the City Chestionar
AEF1 2C Vocabulary - Feelings
AEF1 2C Vocabulary - Feelings Diagramă etichetată
AEF1 U5A - Verb Phrases
AEF1 U5A - Verb Phrases Diagramă etichetată
Speaking Challenge A2
Speaking Challenge A2 Deschide caseta
AEF1 U2B Opposite adjectives
AEF1 U2B Opposite adjectives Perechile
AEF1 U4A - VOCABULARY 'FAMILY' Carduri flash
A2 - giving your opinion
A2 - giving your opinion Roata aleatoare
Kid's Box 3 Unit 5 'Must/Mustn't'
Kid's Box 3 Unit 5 'Must/Mustn't' Chestionar concurs
AEF Starter - Countries vocabulary
AEF Starter - Countries vocabulary Cuvinte încrucişate
Who's who?
Who's who? Diagramă etichetată
AEF1 - U1C - Subject pronouns and possessive adjectives
AEF1 - U1C - Subject pronouns and possessive adjectives Completați propoziția
AEF Starter U6A - simple present
AEF Starter U6A - simple present Diagramă etichetată
AEF1 U2B Opposite adjectives
AEF1 U2B Opposite adjectives Perechile
AEF1 U2B - Can you name...?
AEF1 U2B - Can you name...? Roata aleatoare
Present Simple - 3rd person
Present Simple - 3rd person Completați propoziția
Kids Box 3 U3 - A day in the life
Kids Box 3 U3 - A day in the life Chestionar
AEF1 U1B Numbers 21-100
AEF1 U1B Numbers 21-100 Cuvinte încrucişate
AEF1 U1A 'BE' page 125
AEF1 U1A 'BE' page 125 Chestionar
Be - affirmative, negative and interrogative
Be - affirmative, negative and interrogative Chestionar
How often do you...?
How often do you...? Rearanjează
Describe Physical Appearance
Describe Physical Appearance Roata aleatoare
Classroom Language - Vocabulary Activity (A1)
Classroom Language - Vocabulary Activity (A1) Diagramă etichetată
AEF1 U1C Classroom language
AEF1 U1C Classroom language Rearanjează
Starter 1 - Verbs with nouns phrases - Lead in
Starter 1 - Verbs with nouns phrases - Lead in Sortare în funcție de grup
AEF1 U2C Feelings
AEF1 U2C Feelings Anagramă
Questions about you - 'be' practice
Questions about you - 'be' practice Roata aleatoare
Tell me about you
Tell me about you Deschide caseta
Past simple of 'be'
Past simple of 'be' Chestionar
Places in town
Places in town Rearanjează
Would you like to...?
Would you like to...? Roata aleatoare
AEF1 U2A - Pronunciation "th" voiced and unvoiced
AEF1 U2A - Pronunciation "th" voiced and unvoiced Sortare în funcție de grup
What do you usually do when it's...
What do you usually do when it's... Roata aleatoare
AEF1 U2A Common objects - memory game
AEF1 U2A Common objects - memory game Perechile
KB3 U3 Vocabulary
KB3 U3 Vocabulary Găsește perechea
AEF2 U4A - HOUSEWORK Carduri flash
Collocations with have, do and go
Collocations with have, do and go Sortare în funcție de grup
Spooky story
Spooky story Completați propoziția
Prepare 3: A2 KEY questions - Speaking
Prepare 3: A2 KEY questions - Speaking Întoarce dale
I wonder 1 - Unit 4
I wonder 1 - Unit 4 Chestionar
Means of transportation
Means of transportation Căutare de cuvânte
Past Continuous
Past Continuous Rearanjează
Which room is this?
Which room is this? Chestionar cu imagini
Kitchen vocabulary
Kitchen vocabulary Chestionar
Kid's Box 3 U4 places in the city
Kid's Box 3 U4 places in the city Chestionar cu imagini
Body parts quiz
Body parts quiz Spânzurătoarea
Restaurare activitate salvată automat: ?