
Adult education English Language

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English Language
English Language Roata aleatoare
Relative Clauses Quiz
Relative Clauses Quiz Chestionar
Relative Clauses Unjumble
Relative Clauses Unjumble Rearanjează
Controversial Discussion Topics - Part I
Controversial Discussion Topics - Part I Roata aleatoare
Relative Clauses Speaking
Relative Clauses Speaking Cărți aleatorii
Present Perfect Simple vs Present Perfect Continuous.
Present Perfect Simple vs Present Perfect Continuous. Chestionar
Present Simple & Continuous Speaking Practice
Present Simple & Continuous Speaking Practice Roata aleatoare
Past Simple & Past Continuous - Quiz
Past Simple & Past Continuous - Quiz Chestionar
Relative Clauses
Relative Clauses Chestionar
Speaking Warm Up
Speaking Warm Up Roata aleatoare
Have got/has got
Have got/has got Chestionar
Speaking about Future (Going to or Will)
Speaking about Future (Going to or Will) Roata aleatoare
Present Perfect Continuous Quiz
Present Perfect Continuous Quiz Chestionar
WARMER QUESTIONS A1+/A2 Roata aleatoare
Indefinite pronouns Quiz
Indefinite pronouns Quiz Chestionar
Present Continuous
Present Continuous Chestionar
Prepositions of time - At / On / In
Prepositions of time - At / On / In Sortare în funcție de grup
Relative Clauses
Relative Clauses Chestionar
PASSIVE VOICE Cărți aleatorii
Past Continuous vs Past Simple
Past Continuous vs Past Simple Completați propoziția
Future Simple Quiz
Future Simple Quiz Chestionar
Present Simple vs Present Continuous
Present Simple vs Present Continuous Chestionar
Some & Any
Some & Any Chestionar
Superlatives & Comparatives Speaking Practice
Superlatives & Comparatives Speaking Practice Roata aleatoare
Modals Speaking
Modals Speaking Roata aleatoare
Active or Passive Voice?
Active or Passive Voice? Chestionar
Paraphrase - used to/ be used to/ get used to
Paraphrase - used to/ be used to/ get used to Chestionar
Present Perfect & Past Simple Speaking
Present Perfect & Past Simple Speaking Roata aleatoare
Questions about Films
Questions about Films Roata aleatoare
Body Idioms
Body Idioms Potrivește
Reported Speech Quiz
Reported Speech Quiz Chestionar
Will & To Be Going To
Will & To Be Going To Chestionar
Past Perfect Continuous
Past Perfect Continuous Chestionar
Advertising Cărți aleatorii
Choose the odd one out
Choose the odd one out Chestionar
passive Voice Quiz
passive Voice Quiz Chestionar
Talking about Work
Talking about Work Roata aleatoare
Language Features
Language Features Carduri flash
Verb "to be" - Negative and question forms
Verb "to be" - Negative and question forms Chestionar
Congratulations to the GB Olympic curling teams: for Entry Level 3 - Level 2 Functional Skills English
Congratulations to the GB Olympic curling teams: for Entry Level 3 - Level 2 Functional Skills English Chestionar
There is/There are
There is/There are Chestionar
Countable &  Uncountable
Countable & Uncountable Sortare în funcție de grup
Future Continuous Quiz
Future Continuous Quiz Chestionar
Modals Speaking Practice
Modals Speaking Practice Deschide caseta
Identifying different purposes of texts
Identifying different purposes of texts Potrivește
Present Perfect + Since / For
Present Perfect + Since / For Sortare în funcție de grup
Another, Other, Others, The other, The others
Another, Other, Others, The other, The others Chestionar
Articles Practice
Articles Practice Chestionar
Past Simple/Past Continuous
Past Simple/Past Continuous Chestionar
Easter & Spring
Easter & Spring Roata aleatoare
Countable & Uncountable Quiz
Countable & Uncountable Quiz Chestionar
PREPOSITIONS OF TIME Completați propoziția
Comparatives & Superlatives Questions
Comparatives & Superlatives Questions Deschide caseta
Features of Texts
Features of Texts Sortare în funcție de grup
L2 FS English: Presentational / organisational / layout features
L2 FS English: Presentational / organisational / layout features Potrivește
Write a letter of complaint about...
Write a letter of complaint about... Roata aleatoare
Writing a Letter of Complaint
Writing a Letter of Complaint Completați propoziția
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