
English B2

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B2 Speaking Part 1 questions - Random cards
B2 Speaking Part 1 questions - Random cards Cărți aleatorii
all food containers match
all food containers match Găsește perechea
Irregular Verbs Past Simple #2
Irregular Verbs Past Simple #2 Găsește perechea
Strong words! Adjectives equivalents
Strong words! Adjectives equivalents Potrivește
Food idioms
Food idioms Potrivește
Devices Potrivește
Ways of Cooking
Ways of Cooking Diagramă etichetată
Vocabulary 1
Vocabulary 1 Chestionar
Adjectives + prepositions
Adjectives + prepositions Chestionar concurs
Past Simple Irregular Verbs
Past Simple Irregular Verbs Găsește perechea
Missing verb (was/were/wasn't /weren't)
Missing verb (was/were/wasn't /weren't) Roata aleatoare
English Clothes
English Clothes Diagramă etichetată
Numbers 1-10 English
Numbers 1-10 English Diagramă etichetată
Furniture Conveyor Belt
Furniture Conveyor Belt Găsește perechea
English quiz
English quiz Chestionar
de Anonim
Cards Past Simple Wh- questions (you)
Cards Past Simple Wh- questions (you) Cărți aleatorii
2. Fact or Opinion?
2. Fact or Opinion? Chestionar
10-step Formal Letter Layout/ Structure
10-step Formal Letter Layout/ Structure Potrivește
Adjectives of personality
Adjectives of personality Chestionar
14b Wild animals (from Racing to English)
14b Wild animals (from Racing to English) Perechile
Controversial Discussion Topics - Part I
Controversial Discussion Topics - Part I Roata aleatoare
Speaking about Future (Going to or Will)
Speaking about Future (Going to or Will) Roata aleatoare
Relative Clauses
Relative Clauses Chestionar
Present Simple & Continuous Speaking Practice
Present Simple & Continuous Speaking Practice Roata aleatoare
Past Simple & Past Continuous - Quiz
Past Simple & Past Continuous - Quiz Chestionar
Relative Clauses Speaking
Relative Clauses Speaking Cărți aleatorii
Indefinite pronouns Quiz
Indefinite pronouns Quiz Chestionar
WARMER QUESTIONS A1+/A2 Roata aleatoare
Present Perfect Continuous Quiz
Present Perfect Continuous Quiz Chestionar
English Language
English Language Roata aleatoare
Speaking Warm Up
Speaking Warm Up Roata aleatoare
Have got/has got
Have got/has got Chestionar
Relative Clauses Unjumble
Relative Clauses Unjumble Rearanjează
Present Perfect Simple vs Present Perfect Continuous.
Present Perfect Simple vs Present Perfect Continuous. Chestionar
Relative Clauses Quiz
Relative Clauses Quiz Chestionar
Basic business questions
Basic business questions Rearanjează
Second conditional jumbled sentences
Second conditional jumbled sentences Rearanjează
Vocabulary 4
Vocabulary 4 Potrivește
1. FACT or OPINION? Sortare în funcție de grup
School Subjects Hangman
School Subjects Hangman Spânzurătoarea
Past simple or Present Perfect?
Past simple or Present Perfect? Chestionar
Food Tastes
Food Tastes Potrivește
B2 Prepare Taboo Irregular Verbs
B2 Prepare Taboo Irregular Verbs Cărți aleatorii
Adjectives of personality
Adjectives of personality Chestionar
Present Simple / Present Continuous EF Pre-intermediate
Present Simple / Present Continuous EF Pre-intermediate Roata aleatoare
ILP: L2 FS English - Informal Group Discussion - Useful Expressions
ILP: L2 FS English - Informal Group Discussion - Useful Expressions Sortare în funcție de grup
Identifying different purposes of texts
Identifying different purposes of texts Potrivește
Structural Devices
Structural Devices Potrivește
Advanced Travel Vocabulary in English with Real-Life Stories
Advanced Travel Vocabulary in English with Real-Life Stories Potrivește
English Quiz
English Quiz Chestionar
Go Getter 1. Unit 4.3 Possessive adjectives
Go Getter 1. Unit 4.3 Possessive adjectives Chestionar
Letter/ Email Comparison
Letter/ Email Comparison Chestionar
have|has Chestionar
In, at, on (prepositions of place)
In, at, on (prepositions of place) Sortare în funcție de grup
PETS Chestionar cu imagini
Language Features - MINDAFOREST
Language Features - MINDAFOREST Potrivește
15c Seasons (from Racing to English)
15c Seasons (from Racing to English) Sortare în funcție de grup
15i Food  (from Racing to English)
15i Food (from Racing to English) Perechile
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