
English for speakers of other languages (ESOL) Phonics Phase 3

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sh ch ng th ai ee igh oa
sh ch ng th ai ee igh oa Anagramă
ch and sh words
ch and sh words Chestionar
Questions with phonemes set 1 - 7
Questions with phonemes set 1 - 7 Chestionar
th and ng words
th and ng words Chestionar
Blends  Phase 4 and 5 Phonics Set 1
Blends Phase 4 and 5 Phonics Set 1 Anagramă
Phase 3 - Real and nonsense words
Phase 3 - Real and nonsense words Cărți aleatorii
Phase 3 phonics Set 7 captions 2
Phase 3 phonics Set 7 captions 2 Chestionar
Phase 3 Sentences
Phase 3 Sentences Potrivește
Phase 5 ay ou ie ea
Phase 5 ay ou ie ea Potrivește
Spelling Chestionar
Phase 3 phonics hangman
Phase 3 phonics hangman Spânzurătoarea
Phase 2 cvc words satp, inmd, gock, eur ck l, ll, ss
Phase 2 cvc words satp, inmd, gock, eur ck l, ll, ss Anagramă
Phase 3 Phonics Wheel
Phase 3 Phonics Wheel Roata aleatoare
Phase 3 Tricky Words
Phase 3 Tricky Words Roata aleatoare
Phase 2/3 Recap Game
Phase 2/3 Recap Game Cărți aleatorii
Phase 4 er words
Phase 4 er words Potrivește
Phonics Phase 2
Phonics Phase 2 Potrivește
Phase 3 HFW
Phase 3 HFW Roata aleatoare
Phase 3 sounds
Phase 3 sounds Cărți aleatorii
Phase 3 Tricky Words
Phase 3 Tricky Words Deschide caseta
Phase 2 Captions 1
Phase 2 Captions 1 Potrivește
Short or long e sound
Short or long e sound Sortare în funcție de grup
 Phase 2 words with t p i n m d c o g
Phase 2 words with t p i n m d c o g Anagramă
phase 3 phonics
phase 3 phonics Deschide caseta
Phase two phonics flip tiles
Phase two phonics flip tiles Găsește perechea
Phase 4 Phonics CVC  and CVCC word race
Phase 4 Phonics CVC and CVCC word race Cărți aleatorii
Homophones for L1 ESOL
Homophones for L1 ESOL Chestionar
Phase 5 Tricky Words
Phase 5 Tricky Words Cărți aleatorii
Open the boxes FS2 Phase 3&5 sounds
Open the boxes FS2 Phase 3&5 sounds Deschide caseta
Past simple or Present Perfect?
Past simple or Present Perfect? Chestionar
Adjectives - Antonyms
Adjectives - Antonyms Găsește perechea
Esol english
Esol english Potrivește
ESOL Rearanjează
Phase 3 Tricky Words - Matching Pairs
Phase 3 Tricky Words - Matching Pairs Perechile
English alphabet
English alphabet Potrivește
How to organise your ideas for a film review.
How to organise your ideas for a film review. Sortare în funcție de grup
Phase 3 Phonics game
Phase 3 Phonics game Spânzurătoarea
phase 3 digraphs
phase 3 digraphs Deschide caseta
Match the CVC word to the picture
Match the CVC word to the picture Găsește perechea
sh phase 3
sh phase 3 Perechile
Clothes & Present Continuous
Clothes & Present Continuous Cursa în labirint
Months of the year.
Months of the year. Anagramă
Phase 5 Mix up!
Phase 5 Mix up! Sortare în funcție de grup
Phase 2 Tricky Words
Phase 2 Tricky Words Cărți aleatorii
Phase 2 graphemes
Phase 2 graphemes Roata aleatoare
Long or short a sound
Long or short a sound Sortare în funcție de grup
Spell the EA Words
Spell the EA Words Anagramă
Phase 3 (letters and sounds) random wheel
Phase 3 (letters and sounds) random wheel Roata aleatoare
Phase 3 sounds
Phase 3 sounds Roata aleatoare
Present Simple Tense (subject + verb)
Present Simple Tense (subject + verb) Chestionar
 Sport and games quiz
Sport and games quiz Chestionar
Beginner questions (sharing information about self)
Beginner questions (sharing information about self) Roata aleatoare
Phonics: Phase 4 Real and Nonsense sort
Phonics: Phase 4 Real and Nonsense sort Sortare în funcție de grup
 wh questions
wh questions Chestionar
Phase 5
Phase 5 Lovește cârtița
Restaurare activitate salvată automat: ?