
Mathematics Time Tables

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2s, 5s and 10s Quiz
2s, 5s and 10s Quiz Chestionar concurs
Telling the Time (5 minute intervals)
Telling the Time (5 minute intervals) Chestionar
Quarter past and quarter to -  Find the Match
Quarter past and quarter to - Find the Match Găsește perechea
Half past
Half past Potrivește
Match the clocks
Match the clocks Găsește perechea
Ordering Units of Time
Ordering Units of Time Clasament
AM or PM?
AM or PM? Sortare în funcție de grup
7 times table quiz
7 times table quiz Chestionar
Days of the Week
Days of the Week Chestionar
Time chase
Time chase Cursa în labirint
3 times tables quiz
3 times tables quiz Chestionar
O'clock Practice
O'clock Practice Chestionar
7 and 8 times tables
7 and 8 times tables Chestionar
Multiplication Showdown
Multiplication Showdown Roata aleatoare
7 times table
7 times table Potrivește
Time to the Quarter Hour Find the Match
Time to the Quarter Hour Find the Match Găsește perechea
Multiples of 7
Multiples of 7 Lovește cârtița
3 times table
3 times table Găsește perechea
Sort the Clocks (Quarter Hours)
Sort the Clocks (Quarter Hours) Sortare în funcție de grup
6 Times Tables
6 Times Tables Cursa în labirint
Time (Analog and Digital)
Time (Analog and Digital) Găsește perechea
Time Chestionar
simple hour.
simple hour. Potrivește
Engage Task: Mental Maths Quiz (Mixed Topics)
Engage Task: Mental Maths Quiz (Mixed Topics) Chestionar
Times tables x3 Match Up
Times tables x3 Match Up Potrivește
Times tables x9 Whack a Mole
Times tables x9 Whack a Mole Lovește cârtița
9 x table
9 x table Chestionar
Time Completați propoziția
Times tables x 5 True or False
Times tables x 5 True or False Adevărat sau fals
Times tables x2 Balloon Pop
Times tables x2 Balloon Pop Sparge balonul
Match the correct time.
Match the correct time. Perechile
Times tables x4 Whack a Mole
Times tables x4 Whack a Mole Lovește cârtița
Maths word problems EYFS
Maths word problems EYFS Chestionar concurs
7 times table division facts
7 times table division facts Găsește perechea
Times tables x6 Game Show
Times tables x6 Game Show Chestionar concurs
Times tables x8 Maze
Times tables x8 Maze Cursa în labirint
2x table match - harder
2x table match - harder Potrivește
Mixed Times Tables
Mixed Times Tables Avion
4 x table
4 x table Potrivește
Times Tables Quiz
Times Tables Quiz Chestionar
 Times tables- x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x10, x11
Times tables- x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x10, x11 Chestionar concurs
6 Times Tables
6 Times Tables Lovește cârtița
2-, 5- and 10-times tables
2-, 5- and 10-times tables Chestionar
Time Potrivește
GO GO GO!!!!!
GO GO GO!!!!! Cursa în labirint
2 times tables
2 times tables Potrivește
Mental addition strategy: compensating. Round up numbers like 19 to an 'easy' 20, add it on, then subtract 1 from total.
Mental addition strategy: compensating. Round up numbers like 19 to an 'easy' 20, add it on, then subtract 1 from total. Potrivește
Times tables spinner
Times tables spinner Roata aleatoare
Which month is in each season?
Which month is in each season? Sortare în funcție de grup
Up to 12 times tables
Up to 12 times tables Sparge balonul
Times tables x7 Quiz
Times tables x7 Quiz Chestionar
E2 Mental addition: reordering. Tips: add up large nos. first and/or look for pairs that add up to 10, 20, 30, 40, etc.
E2 Mental addition: reordering. Tips: add up large nos. first and/or look for pairs that add up to 10, 20, 30, 40, etc. Potrivește
E1 Mental addition: reordering. Tips: add up large nos. first and/or look for pairs that add up to 10.
E1 Mental addition: reordering. Tips: add up large nos. first and/or look for pairs that add up to 10. Potrivește
Time Quiz
Time Quiz Chestionar
Time quiz
Time quiz Chestionar
Match up - Time.
Match up - Time. Potrivește
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