
Past Simple

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10.000+ rezultate pentru "past simple"

irregular red, blue, purple, yellow group
irregular red, blue, purple, yellow group Perechile
Past Simple Irregular Verbs
Past Simple Irregular Verbs Găsește perechea
HDW - E2 - Past Simple - Irregular verbs
HDW - E2 - Past Simple - Irregular verbs Potrivește
Simple Past Irregular Verbs
Simple Past Irregular Verbs Chestionar
Past Simple
Past Simple Adevărat sau fals
V1, V2 or V3 Sorting Task
V1, V2 or V3 Sorting Task Sortare în funcție de grup
Past Simple
Past Simple Potrivește
Past simple jumbled sentences
Past simple jumbled sentences Rearanjează
past tense questions and answers
past tense questions and answers Potrivește
V1 and V2 Sorting Task
V1 and V2 Sorting Task Sortare în funcție de grup
Match past simple and base verbs
Match past simple and base verbs Perechile
Past Simple Sentence Formation (2)
Past Simple Sentence Formation (2) Rearanjează
Simple Past Tense (Regular Verbs)
Simple Past Tense (Regular Verbs) Potrivește
Past Simple irregular & regular verbs
Past Simple irregular & regular verbs Diagramă etichetată
Past Simple Sentence Formation
Past Simple Sentence Formation Rearanjează
Past Simple Sentence Formation (3)
Past Simple Sentence Formation (3) Rearanjează
 Do VS Be verbs
Do VS Be verbs Sortare în funcție de grup
Be or Do?
Be or Do? Sortare în funcție de grup
Past Simple Crossword
Past Simple Crossword Cuvinte încrucişate
E1 Present Simple
E1 Present Simple Completați propoziția
Past simple sentences about phones
Past simple sentences about phones Chestionar
Past simple
Past simple Chestionar
What did we used to do (2000 and before)?
What did we used to do (2000 and before)? Roata aleatoare
Daily Routine Pictures Cards
Daily Routine Pictures Cards Cărți aleatorii
ESOL Pre Entry - Present Simple (3rd person)
ESOL Pre Entry - Present Simple (3rd person) Chestionar
Present simle and present continuous questions
Present simle and present continuous questions Roata aleatoare
Colin Brodie gapfill
Colin Brodie gapfill Completați propoziția
Present Simple exercises
Present Simple exercises Completați propoziția
Present Simple
Present Simple Completați propoziția
Present Simple or Present Continuous?
Present Simple or Present Continuous? Chestionar
Free Time Activities - Question Form
Free Time Activities - Question Form Rearanjează
Present Simple, Adverbs of frequency - missing words
Present Simple, Adverbs of frequency - missing words Completați propoziția
Routine Verbs Wordsearch
Routine Verbs Wordsearch Căutare de cuvânte
ESOL: Shopping Sentences
ESOL: Shopping Sentences Rearanjează
Match the verbs with the past simple verbs EF Ele 4th 8a
Match the verbs with the past simple verbs EF Ele 4th 8a Potrivește
discussion Roata aleatoare
-ed ending pronunciation
-ed ending pronunciation Sortare în funcție de grup
Match past simple and base verbs
Match past simple and base verbs Perechile
Past Simple
Past Simple Deschide caseta
Irregular verbs spinner 1
Irregular verbs spinner 1 Roata aleatoare
Interview your partner
Interview your partner Roata aleatoare
nieregularne czasy
nieregularne czasy Sortare în funcție de grup
Matching present simple and past simple regular verbs
Matching present simple and past simple regular verbs Potrivește
Adjective + Modifier
Adjective + Modifier Fructe zburătoare
Questions about your childhood
Questions about your childhood Deschide caseta
ARK ESOL E3 Present Perfect vs Past Simple 3
ARK ESOL E3 Present Perfect vs Past Simple 3 Chestionar
Past Simple for L1F
Past Simple for L1F Potrivește
ESOL Entry 2 was and were questions - unjumble
ESOL Entry 2 was and were questions - unjumble Rearanjează
Past simple questions - museum
Past simple questions - museum Cărți aleatorii
statement/ question generator past simple
statement/ question generator past simple Roata aleatoare
Irregular verbs in sentences.
Irregular verbs in sentences. Potrivește
Past tense texts
Past tense texts Cărți aleatorii
irregular verbs 1
irregular verbs 1 Potrivește
ESOL: Past Tenses
ESOL: Past Tenses Chestionar
What did they do? Town centre scene
What did they do? Town centre scene Rearanjează
past simple questions - coming to the UK
past simple questions - coming to the UK Chestionar
Simple Past Tense (Regular Verbs)
Simple Past Tense (Regular Verbs) Potrivește
past simple negatives
past simple negatives Cărți aleatorii
Present tense to be vs. past tense to be
Present tense to be vs. past tense to be Chestionar
A Trip to the Pharmacy
A Trip to the Pharmacy Completați propoziția
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