
Primary English Phonics

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Short or long e sound
Short or long e sound Sortare în funcție de grup
Christmas vocabulary
Christmas vocabulary Chestionar cu imagini
Prepositions of time
Prepositions of time Chestionar
Numbers! 1-100
Numbers! 1-100 Sparge balonul
was / were
was / were Chestionar
o'clock / half past / quarter past /quarter to
o'clock / half past / quarter past /quarter to Chestionar
Jobs Găsește perechea
Halloween (vocabulary)
Halloween (vocabulary) Chestionar cu imagini
Must and Mustn't
Must and Mustn't Adevărat sau fals
Personal Pronouns
Personal Pronouns Sortare în funcție de grup
Prepositions of time
Prepositions of time Sparge balonul
Opposites Găsește perechea
Clothes Găsește perechea
Picture Questions A2
Picture Questions A2 Deschide caseta
Halloween (A1-A2) vocabulary
Halloween (A1-A2) vocabulary Potrivește
Possessive adjectives
Possessive adjectives Chestionar
Nouns Sortare în funcție de grup
00. magic e (u)
00. magic e (u) Anagramă
English alphabet
English alphabet Potrivește
Digraphs (ch, th, sh)
Digraphs (ch, th, sh) Anagramă
Short vowels
Short vowels Potrivește
aw/or Chestionar
Emotions Găsește perechea
Comparatives Cărți aleatorii
Noun, Adjective or Verb?
Noun, Adjective or Verb? Sortare în funcție de grup
Unscramble ABC
Unscramble ABC Rearanjează
Academy Stars 1 Unit 1 (2)
Academy Stars 1 Unit 1 (2) Potrivește
Is it/ It is
Is it/ It is Chestionar
Soft C Hard C
Soft C Hard C Adevărat sau fals
 Warm-up personal questions
Warm-up personal questions Roata aleatoare
FF2 (Unit 1/ grammar)
FF2 (Unit 1/ grammar) Chestionar
COLOURS Găsește perechea
Solutions inter (Unit Introduction, speaking)
Solutions inter (Unit Introduction, speaking) Roata aleatoare
verb-ING Chestionar concurs
have|has Chestionar
PETS Chestionar cu imagini
Academy Stars 2 Unit 2.4
Academy Stars 2 Unit 2.4 Găsește perechea
School Subjects
School Subjects Potrivește
SUMMER Perechile
School objects
School objects Chestionar
Time- half, quarter..
Time- half, quarter.. Roata aleatoare
Daily routines anagram
Daily routines anagram Anagramă
Opposites Găsește perechea
Matching words - RS 2 CEW
Matching words - RS 2 CEW Perechile
Academy Stars 1 Unit 3 Family members
Academy Stars 1 Unit 3 Family members Potrivește
Monkey the body
Monkey the body Diagramă etichetată
Parts of the body - Anagram
Parts of the body - Anagram Anagramă
Academy Stars 1 Unit 4.1 Feelings
Academy Stars 1 Unit 4.1 Feelings Potrivește
igh match up
igh match up Potrivește
CVC ah sounds with pictures
CVC ah sounds with pictures Perechile
a-e split digraph words
a-e split digraph words Potrivește
oo/ew/ue/u-e Roata aleatoare
au Roata aleatoare
u-e matching
u-e matching Găsește perechea
split digraph i-e crossword
split digraph i-e crossword Cuvinte încrucişate
Phase 3 Tricky Words
Phase 3 Tricky Words Deschide caseta
ai or ay
ai or ay Sortare în funcție de grup
SATPIN words
SATPIN words Roata aleatoare
igh wheel
igh wheel Roata aleatoare
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