
Year 4 Arabic

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7.450 rezultate pentru "y4 arabic"

Inital Form - Arabic Letters
Inital Form - Arabic Letters Chestionar concurs
Transport Diagramă etichetată
Arabic Alphabet
Arabic Alphabet Roata aleatoare
حرف الدال
حرف الدال Deschide caseta
Name Them in Arabic
Name Them in Arabic Chestionar
Arabic words - group 1
Arabic words - group 1 Anagramă
Arabic words - group 2
Arabic words - group 2 Căutare de cuvânte
مسابقة عن فلسطين 2021
مسابقة عن فلسطين 2021 Chestionar cu imagini
true or false colours
true or false colours Adevărat sau fals
حرف التاء
حرف التاء Roata aleatoare
اِبْحَث عنِ الحرف الصحيح
اِبْحَث عنِ الحرف الصحيح Găsește perechea
Tanween in the Clouds
Tanween in the Clouds Avion
أقسام الكلام
أقسام الكلام Sparge balonul
أين الفاعل؟
أين الفاعل؟ Avion
The Subject & Object Pronouns
The Subject & Object Pronouns Potrivește
What is this...?
What is this...? Chestionar
PRESENT PERFECT & Past Simple quiz
PRESENT PERFECT & Past Simple quiz Chestionar
Duplicate J4 Comparative/Superlative Revision
Duplicate J4 Comparative/Superlative Revision Sortare în funcție de grup
نسخة من  prefoming relationship (1)
نسخة من prefoming relationship (1) Cursa în labirint
أزمنة الفعل
أزمنة الفعل Diagramă etichetată
Sukoon/Bidaya textook
Sukoon/Bidaya textook Roata aleatoare
أين المُبْتَدَأ؟
أين المُبْتَدَأ؟ Găsește perechea
Surah At-Takwir & Al-Infitar
Surah At-Takwir & Al-Infitar Chestionar
الجملة الاسمية والفعلية
الجملة الاسمية والفعلية Sparge balonul
Sound Pre assessment
Sound Pre assessment Chestionar
Fronted adverbial starter
Fronted adverbial starter Roata aleatoare
prepositions spinner
prepositions spinner Roata aleatoare
French colours
French colours Potrivește
Figurative Language
Figurative Language Cursa în labirint
Directions for places - Arabic
Directions for places - Arabic Potrivește
المعجم  (حرف الباء)
المعجم (حرف الباء) Cursa în labirint
Connectives Roata aleatoare
Formal or informal language?
Formal or informal language? Chestionar
Find the correct letter! (Alif-Yaa)
Find the correct letter! (Alif-Yaa) Cursa în labirint
Homophones Găsește perechea
العربية الصف السادس في المدرسة
العربية الصف السادس في المدرسة Completați propoziția
Family Diagramă etichetată
Y3 Pictionary Homophones Quiz
Y3 Pictionary Homophones Quiz Chestionar
Game- Y4
Game- Y4 Chestionar concurs
Match the Arabic Letters (Part 1)
Match the Arabic Letters (Part 1) Perechile
حرف الباء
حرف الباء Sortare în funcție de grup
Restaurare activitate salvată automat: ?