
Английский язык 8 10

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Present Simple/Present Cont
Present Simple/Present Cont Chestionar
Irregular verbs. Spotlight 4.
Irregular verbs. Spotlight 4. Potrivește
Numbers 10-100
Numbers 10-100 Perechile
AS1 U8 Clothes
AS1 U8 Clothes Anagramă
Spotlight 5 - Module 10a
Spotlight 5 - Module 10a Potrivește
Food. Containers.
Food. Containers. Sortare în funcție de grup
Numbers 10-100 Extra
Numbers 10-100 Extra Căutare de cuvânte
GW A2 U5 Warm up
GW A2 U5 Warm up Deschide caseta
Irregular verbs Fly High 3
Irregular verbs Fly High 3 Potrivește
Go Getter 3_Unit 8.4
Go Getter 3_Unit 8.4 Chestionar
degree of comparison
degree of comparison Rearanjează
Questions Time_YL_3-6
Questions Time_YL_3-6 Deschide caseta
Непроизносимые согласные
Непроизносимые согласные Lovește cârtița
shapes 2d grade
shapes 2d grade Roata aleatoare
GG 1 Unit 3.1
GG 1 Unit 3.1 Potrivește
Have got/has got quiz
Have got/has got quiz Chestionar concurs
FlyHigh 2, Lesson 10. They're our toys.
FlyHigh 2, Lesson 10. They're our toys. Întoarce dale
Transport Potrivește
Have got/haven't got
Have got/haven't got Deschide caseta
Pronouns I-my, you-your, she-her, he - his, etc.
Pronouns I-my, you-your, she-her, he - his, etc. Cărți aleatorii
FlyHigh 2. Are you?  Are they? Are we?
FlyHigh 2. Are you? Are they? Are we? Întoarce dale
Academy Stars 5 Unit 8 Synonyms
Academy Stars 5 Unit 8 Synonyms Potrivește
 Oxford Phonics World 1
Oxford Phonics World 1 Chestionar
Market/Supermarket Diagramă etichetată
English World 1_Unit 2
English World 1_Unit 2 Rearanjează
AS2 U6
AS2 U6 Întoarce dale
Some/any SM3
Some/any SM3 Chestionar
Santa questions PrSimple
Santa questions PrSimple Cărți aleatorii
What is it made of?
What is it made of? Chestionar
Go Getter (1) 6.2 Present Simple
Go Getter (1) 6.2 Present Simple Chestionar
Some/Any Chestionar
Go Getter 2_8.1 (dates)
Go Getter 2_8.1 (dates) Potrivește
Английский Găsește perechea
Английский Chestionar
KB2 Unit 10 test act.2
KB2 Unit 10 test act.2 Chestionar
AUTUMN Spânzurătoarea
starlight 10 unit 3/1 matching words in bold
starlight 10 unit 3/1 matching words in bold Potrivește
FH 3_Lesson 5_Present Simple_s
FH 3_Lesson 5_Present Simple_s Sortare în funcție de grup
Nouns with -ion Gateway A2 unit 10
Nouns with -ion Gateway A2 unit 10 Roata aleatoare
TEST 2 Sortare în funcție de grup
GoGetter1 6.1
GoGetter1 6.1 Întoarce dale
Christmas Deschide caseta
B. Irr.verbs 5 ( Name the 3rd form)
B. Irr.verbs 5 ( Name the 3rd form) Chestionar
TEST 1 Sortare în funcție de grup
 Personal pronounce
Personal pronounce Chestionar
A. Irr.verbs 1 ( arise, tear, give, think, feed, bite, wake, deal, pay, shake)
A. Irr.verbs 1 ( arise, tear, give, think, feed, bite, wake, deal, pay, shake) Carduri flash
Look 3 - function - Dates - Cardinal Numbers
Look 3 - function - Dates - Cardinal Numbers Anagramă
Oxford Phonics World 3  -igh-  -ie
Oxford Phonics World 3 -igh- -ie Perechile
 B. Irr.verbs 4 ( the 3rd form)
B. Irr.verbs 4 ( the 3rd form) Chestionar
Go Getter (1) 6.1
Go Getter (1) 6.1 Carduri flash
B. Irr.verbs 3 ( the 2nd form)
B. Irr.verbs 3 ( the 2nd form) Chestionar
Numbers: 20 to 100
Numbers: 20 to 100 Potrivește
the five senses
the five senses Chestionar
enjoy|like|love|want Completați propoziția
Pos + ing|to
Pos + ing|to Completați propoziția
Numbers: 20 to 100 - crossword
Numbers: 20 to 100 - crossword Cuvinte încrucişate
Vocabulary bank 5 | Places in a town
Vocabulary bank 5 | Places in a town Potrivește
KB2 Unit 10 test act.1
KB2 Unit 10 test act.1 Spânzurătoarea
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