2nd Grade Fundations
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Fundations: Level 2: Unit 1: Week 2: c, k, and ck
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Ai/Ay Sound
Lovește cârtița
Hangman: Spell the Word L2 (Glued Sounds)
Unit 7
Trick Words Unit 1-5
Roata aleatoare
Is it Closed/V-e or V-e/Closed?
Suffix -ed /d/, /t/, or /id/
-s or -es Balloon Pop
Sparge balonul
Fundations Unit 14 /ou/
Digraphs -Fundations L2 Unit 1
Deschide caseta
Spell the Word L3 Unit 3
Hangman: Spell the Word (blends and bonus letters)
Long a Sound
Sparge balonul
Y as a vowel and suffix
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Fundations Level 1- Unit 3 (Digraphs)
Lovește cârtița
Unit 4, Week 1, Suffixes
Sparge balonul
Add -s or -es?
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Fundations Deck
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Division Game
Chestionar concurs
Fundations Phrases
Roata aleatoare
Closed or Exception? Whack a Mole
Lovește cârtița
Spelling oi & oy words
Completați propoziția
Choose ic or ick
Syllable Types
Unit 10 Trick Words
Căutare de cuvânte
Complete the ey,ea, ee sentences
Completați propoziția
Schwa or No Schwa
Unit 2 Sentences - Level 1
Cărți aleatorii
Unit 1-6-Review Trick Words
Roata aleatoare
FUNdations Unit 1 Weeks 9, 10
Roata aleatoare
FUNdations Trick Word Spelling - Level 1 & 2
Fundations Unit 14 (ou, ow, ow)
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Fundations Level 2: units 5-7
Lovește cârtița
Trick Words Fundations Level 1 Review
Roata aleatoare
-s, -es, or -ies
Sparge balonul
Add -s , add -es or change y to i and add -es
Chestionar concurs
Halloween Fundations (Week 3, Day 3)
Chestionar concurs
Fundations Level 1 Word of Day Spin the Wheel Up Through Unit 7
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Trick Words Units 1-9 Level 1 Fundations
Roata aleatoare
Unit 2-4 Real and Nonsense Words - Level 1
Cărți aleatorii
Level 3 Unit 6 (alaska, champion, animal, schwa)
Sortare în funcție de grup
What Does The Suffix Mean?
Fundations L1 Unit 2 Week 2
Unit 8 FUNdations
Roata aleatoare
Fundations: Level 1: Unit 7: Week 2
Chestionar concurs
1:1:1 Word Detective
Sortare în funcție de grup
Choose the Correct Spelling L3 Unit 4
Double Letter, Digraph, or Weld?
Chestionar concurs
Fundations (Week 3, Day 2)
Deschide caseta
Unit 7 Words (trick and glued sounds)
Cărți aleatorii
Unit 8 Blends
Roata aleatoare
Unit 7 Glued Sounds - ng words
Roata aleatoare