
6th Grade English language arts Benchmark advance

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Let's Go to the Moon Sight Word Practice
Let's Go to the Moon Sight Word Practice Completați propoziția
Vowel Men
Vowel Men Sortare în funcție de grup
Text Features
Text Features Cursa în labirint
Sequence of Events Practice
Sequence of Events Practice Potrivește
Glued Sounds Review
Glued Sounds Review Chestionar concurs
English Letter Wheel
English Letter Wheel Roata aleatoare
U1W3 Long a/Short a
U1W3 Long a/Short a Lovește cârtița
Dr. Seuss Assessment
Dr. Seuss Assessment Chestionar
Vowel men Balloon Pop
Vowel men Balloon Pop Sparge balonul
Authors Purpose
Authors Purpose Chestionar
have/has Completați propoziția
Figurative Language Maze!
Figurative Language Maze! Cursa în labirint
Figurative Language
Figurative Language Găsește perechea
feelings we can 3
feelings we can 3 Chestionar
present simple - questions - do/does
present simple - questions - do/does Completați propoziția
6th Grade Context Clues
6th Grade Context Clues Chestionar
Cause and Effect Review
Cause and Effect Review Cursa în labirint
Phoneme Practice
Phoneme Practice Sortare în funcție de grup
Multisyllabic Word Sort
Multisyllabic Word Sort Sortare în funcție de grup
Inferencing Chestionar concurs
There is/ There are
There is/ There are Chestionar
How many - How much
How many - How much Lovește cârtița
Illness/Advice - Should/Shouldn't
Illness/Advice - Should/Shouldn't Chestionar concurs
Run-On, Fragments and Sentences
Run-On, Fragments and Sentences Sortare în funcție de grup
Present simple - WH questions
Present simple - WH questions Completați propoziția
Simple, Compound, or Complex Sentences
Simple, Compound, or Complex Sentences Sortare în funcție de grup
Do - Does
Do - Does Chestionar
Plot Elements
Plot Elements Potrivește
 Making Inferences
Making Inferences Găsește perechea
Present simple - WH questions
Present simple - WH questions Completați propoziția
Context Clues
Context Clues Cursa în labirint
Fruits Perechile
Narrative Vocabulary
Narrative Vocabulary Cursa în labirint
6th Grade Context Clues
6th Grade Context Clues Chestionar
Used to
Used to Chestionar
6 ELA Unit 2 Vocabulary 11-20 Match Up
6 ELA Unit 2 Vocabulary 11-20 Match Up Potrivește
Conjunctions Multiplayer Quiz
Conjunctions Multiplayer Quiz Chestionar
Figurative Language Game Show
Figurative Language Game Show Chestionar concurs
Present Continuous (missing parts)
Present Continuous (missing parts) Completați propoziția
Personification Match Up
Personification Match Up Potrivește
Literary Devices List 1
Literary Devices List 1 Potrivește
Fanboys Whack-a-Mole
Fanboys Whack-a-Mole Lovește cârtița
Infer Setting
Infer Setting Cărți aleatorii
Present Continuous (unjumbe)
Present Continuous (unjumbe) Rearanjează
General ideas vs. Specific details
General ideas vs. Specific details Sortare în funcție de grup
The first and zero conditional sentences
The first and zero conditional sentences Găsește perechea
Sight Word Wheel (Purple)
Sight Word Wheel (Purple) Roata aleatoare
Simple, Compound, or Fragment
Simple, Compound, or Fragment Sortare în funcție de grup
Personification Chestionar concurs
Making Inferences
Making Inferences Găsește perechea
Text Structures
Text Structures Chestionar
Elements of a Story Vocabulary
Elements of a Story Vocabulary Potrivește
Family members
Family members Sortare în funcție de grup
Parts of a Paragraph
Parts of a Paragraph Diagramă etichetată
Thanksgiving Spânzurătoarea
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