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804 rezultate pentru "decimals"

Decimal Place Value
Decimal Place Value Chestionar concurs
Place Value of Decimals - Match Up
Place Value of Decimals - Match Up Potrivește
Benchmark Fractions, Decimals and Percents
Benchmark Fractions, Decimals and Percents Diagramă etichetată
Match the decimal to the percentage:
Match the decimal to the percentage: Potrivește
Dividing Decimals
Dividing Decimals Chestionar
Fractions, Decimals, Percents (Flying Fruit)
Fractions, Decimals, Percents (Flying Fruit) Fructe zburătoare
Number Line #1
Number Line #1 Diagramă etichetată
Adding and Subtracting Decimals
Adding and Subtracting Decimals Fructe zburătoare
Compare & Order Decimals
Compare & Order Decimals Cursa în labirint
Decimals Place Value
Decimals Place Value Sortare în funcție de grup
Chp. 2 Vocabulary
Chp. 2 Vocabulary Cuvinte încrucişate
Dividing & Multiplying Decimals by Powers of 10
Dividing & Multiplying Decimals by Powers of 10 Potrivește
 Rounding Decimals slower speed and unlimited time
Rounding Decimals slower speed and unlimited time Lovește cârtița
Rounding to the nearest...
Rounding to the nearest... Sparge balonul
Decimal Place Value
Decimal Place Value Chestionar concurs
Add and Subtract Decimals
Add and Subtract Decimals Potrivește
Math 1.4 Flying Fruit
Math 1.4 Flying Fruit Fructe zburătoare
Pemdas with adding and subtracting decimals
Pemdas with adding and subtracting decimals Potrivește
Number Line #2
Number Line #2 Diagramă etichetată
Multiplying Decimals exit ticket
Multiplying Decimals exit ticket Chestionar
Adding Decimals to the thousandths
Adding Decimals to the thousandths Roata aleatoare
Adding & Subtraction Decimals to the Thousandths
Adding & Subtraction Decimals to the Thousandths Roata aleatoare
Keep it up
Keep it up Carduri flash
Equivalent Decimals and Fractions
Equivalent Decimals and Fractions Potrivește
random sentences
random sentences Rearanjează
Math Quiz
Math Quiz Chestionar
Fraction Review
Fraction Review Roata aleatoare
Adding Decimals - 5th Grade - Four Question Activity
Adding Decimals - 5th Grade - Four Question Activity Chestionar concurs
Dividing Decimals by Powers of 10
Dividing Decimals by Powers of 10 Potrivește
Los números decimales
Los números decimales Chestionar concurs
Multiply/Divide decimals 5th grade mixed practice
Multiply/Divide decimals 5th grade mixed practice Potrivește
Adding/Subtracting Decimals
Adding/Subtracting Decimals Roata aleatoare
Place Value of Decimals - Match Up
Place Value of Decimals - Match Up Potrivește
4th Grade Add and Subtract Vocabulary
4th Grade Add and Subtract Vocabulary Carduri flash
Math adding and subtracting decimals
Math adding and subtracting decimals Chestionar
Fraction review Game Show Version
Fraction review Game Show Version Chestionar concurs
Decimals to the Thousandths
Decimals to the Thousandths Roata aleatoare
Klasa nic
Klasa nic Chestionar concurs
Percent Decimal and Fraction Number Line
Percent Decimal and Fraction Number Line Diagramă etichetată
STAR WARS Căutare de cuvânte
Embic and Birth
Embic and Birth Diagramă etichetată
Divide Decimals by Whole Numbers (Basic Facts)
Divide Decimals by Whole Numbers (Basic Facts) Potrivește
Soal Ujian Matematika Tunagrahita
Soal Ujian Matematika Tunagrahita Deschide caseta
Converting Thousandths from Fraction to Decimal
Converting Thousandths from Fraction to Decimal Potrivește
Activating Strategy: Review before Comparing and Ordering Rational Numbers
Activating Strategy: Review before Comparing and Ordering Rational Numbers Chestionar
Unit 2 Review
Unit 2 Review Chestionar concurs
Decimals Greates to Least
Decimals Greates to Least Diagramă etichetată
Decimal Place Value
Decimal Place Value Perechile
6th grade Texas Unit 3 Test Review
6th grade Texas Unit 3 Test Review Avion
Representing Decimals
Representing Decimals Perechile
Fractions and Decimals
Fractions and Decimals Potrivește
Wordsearch random stuff!
Wordsearch random stuff! Căutare de cuvânte
Ultimate maze chase 4th and 5th grade math!
Ultimate maze chase 4th and 5th grade math! Cursa în labirint
Reading Decimal Amounts
Reading Decimal Amounts Potrivește
Fractions, Decimals, Percents 2.0
Fractions, Decimals, Percents 2.0 Sortare în funcție de grup
Q's robux spin wheel
Q's robux spin wheel Roata aleatoare
 Decomposing Numbers
Decomposing Numbers Găsește perechea
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