For class
Exemple din comunitatea noastră
10.000+ rezultate pentru "for class"

FOR or TO?
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Grammar - Adjectives - Unit 4 - English Class A1+
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Is this you?
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Math Baloon Pop Plus and Minus to 100 Super Hard!
Sparge balonul

Math Whack-A-Mole Plus and Minus to 100!
Lovește cârtița

Funny speaking questions for our Teens 1,2 and IELTS class
Roata aleatoare

ng hangman

ild,old,ind,olt,ost matching pairs

-ly suffix words matching

hard-soft c and g hangman

th voiced

Ph matching pairs

Tell me about yourself!
Roata aleatoare

th voiced open the box phrases
Deschide caseta

Consonant y matching pairs

English Speaking Topics
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-igh Open the Box sentences
Deschide caseta

th voiced whack a mole
Lovește cârtița

Questions to ask others
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EFRS - Rime Unit /ad/
Lovește cârtița

CVC Open the box sentences
Deschide caseta

Consonant -y words Recipe for Reading
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When Questions (deck 2)
Chestionar concurs

Past habits- telling a story with 'used to' and 'would'
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Talk About...
Roata aleatoare

Where is / where are
Deschide caseta

Simple Past, Present and Future Tense Verbs
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Present,Past, Future Tenses
Sortare în funcție de grup

Past Habits- RECAP



maze for fun
Cursa în labirint

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Conversation Wheel (1st class)
Roata aleatoare

verbs in the class

Cloze for 3rd grade
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Present Perfect + for/since
Chestionar concurs

Sortare în funcție de grup

cvc words for games
Cărți aleatorii

my class
Căutare de cuvânte

Types of Scholarships

Directions - Lesson 5.4 - English Class A1+ (A1 Plus)
Găsește perechea

Social Skills Life Skills Class
Adevărat sau fals

Emotions color bar (blue is positve and red is negitive)
Diagramă etichetată
Bossy r /or/ Fill in the blank
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c+le twins correct spelling yes or no
Adevărat sau fals
EFRS - Rime Unit - /ab/
Lovește cârtița
Two-syllable decodable compound words p.74
Magneți de cuvinte
Wild Old Words Sentences Open the Box
Deschide caseta
Ending blends tiles
Magneți de cuvinte
oa matching Recipe for Reading p. 122
CVC Detached Syllable open the box Recipe for Reading p. 83
Deschide caseta
oo sentences Recipe for Reading p. 158
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wh open the box sentences Recipe for Reading p. 62
Deschide caseta
fortnite match