Foundations in sounds
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Where is the zzzzzz?
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Where is the ttttttt?
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Vibrating or quiet sounds - beginning
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Phoneme Manipulation
Roata aleatoare
Pics to Tiles (3-4 sounds)
Open Syllables vs. Closed Syllables
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Sound Sort : /e/ or /i/
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CVC Syllable Division
Carduri flash
/a/ sounds
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Final Sounds in words
FIS 08- /i/, /e/, /u/, /o/, or /a/?
Deschide caseta
FIS 03- /f/ or /th/?
Deschide caseta
Same Final Sounds in words
FIS Lesson 4 /m,n,f,v,th,k,g/
FIS Lesson 2 /f/ and /v/ Whack a mole
Lovește cârtița
FIS Lesson 3 /th/
Lovește cârtița
Letter Ii
Lovește cârtița
Letter Jj
Lovește cârtița
Letter Nn
Lovește cârtița
Letter R r
Lovește cârtița
CVC words that end with x
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short i vs short e sound : GOTCHA
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Initial 3 Letter Blends
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Heart Words
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ch or tch?
Short i vs. short e
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FIS Review lessons 1-4
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FIS lessons 1-4 review (/m/,/n/,/f/,/v/,/th/,/k/,/g/)
Chestionar cu imagini
Final Sound Match
Letter Ll
Lovește cârtița
Letter Aa
Lovește cârtița
Random Letter Spinner
Roata aleatoare
Beginning Sounds
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Final Sounds Assessment
Middle Sounds
Initial Sounds Assessment
FIS: Which Vowel Do You Hear?
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Fundations Sounds- Flip Tiles
Întoarce dale
/sh/ words (3 sounds)
Fundations Sounds- Flip Tiles (- pictures)
Întoarce dale
SH or CH Sounds
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Final Sounds in words
Beginning Sound Practice Sonday Prereading Level 4 Review
Găsește perechea
Quiz- initial and medial sounds (qu, z week)
Suffix Pick, drag n drop for CVC (s,ing,ness,less)
Sortare în funcție de grup
Beginning Sounds- Find the Short "a" Sounds (Phonemic Awareness)
Lovește cârtița
Odd Man Out: medial (middle) sounds
Association 1
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T, F, and B
Roata aleatoare
What are the letter sounds?
Deschide caseta
Letter-sound match
t-b-f-n-m pick a box
Deschide caseta
Ending Sounds
Găsește perechea
Alphabet Foundations
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Match the Same Sounds
Final Sounds in words
Missing Sounds Fill-in
Roata aleatoare
3.1 What sounds are in the Blend?